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Tag - Challenges and Puzzles

  • Factorial Function
    Calculate factorials with javascript.
  • Filtering Lists!
    One of the projects I'm involved with at work had an interesting set of problems and I thought I would share how I solved one them. One of the sites we're building has an A - Z index page. It's basically a massive link far (over 750 links and counting) that are listed alphabetically in groups like a dictionary.
  • Carousel challenge
    I challenged myself to code up a page with multiple working carousels. Read on to find out how I did it!
  • Over Engineering FizzBuzz
    Let's "over engineer" a classic programming challenge!
  • Find It
    The other day I got frustrated having to write the same command in my terminal over and over. So, I wrote a tiny bash function to handle it for me! Find out how it's good (and not as good as I might like).
  • Styled Drop Cap Behind Text
    A quick demo of making a (reasonably accessible) "drop cap" behind text as a style element.
  • Backwards and Forwards (or  —  Palindrome checker)
    Use javascript to check if a word or phrase is a palindrome.
  • THE qck brn FOX
    Complete a javascript challenge to get rid of vowels and make words all-caps using string and array methods.
  • How to Calculate Color Contrast
    Learn the basic concepts behind how to calculate color contrast.
  • Practical Recursion
    If you're like me, understanding why to use recursion is hard. Fortunately, I've got a practical example that will help you understand it better.