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  • Using SVGs from a CDN?
    The other day I was thinking about inline svgs and (vs?) font icons. Mostly because I'm kind of a nerd. But then I started about better ways of managing svgs in our projects. Find out how I ended up at a small gulp task to help manage them.
  • Webpack Output Settings for Libraries
    I updated my library using webpack, broke it by accident, and then figured out how to fix it!
  • Bash Exansion
    Bash expansion is a great way to save time in the command line. Learn how it's done!
  • Find It
    The other day I got frustrated having to write the same command in my terminal over and over. So, I wrote a tiny bash function to handle it for me! Find out how it's good (and not as good as I might like).
  • Filtering Lists!
    One of the projects I'm involved with at work had an interesting set of problems and I thought I would share how I solved one them. One of the sites we're building has an A - Z index page. It's basically a massive link far (over 750 links and counting) that are listed alphabetically in groups like a dictionary.
  • How to Calculate Color Contrast
    Learn the basic concepts behind how to calculate color contrast.
  • Learning MySQL With ExpressJS (Part 0)
    I've started working on an experiment to learn more about SQL and WordPress by building a node app!
  • Fetch a random image with async/await Part 2
    This time I wanted to create a helper function to store a variable.
  • Fetch a random image with async/await
    A small example to help me clarify asynchronous browser interactions for myself.
  • The Better Introduction to CSS Animations!
    The last post on CSS animations/transitions was really bad! Find out why and read about a better way.